Entwickler & API

LUUCY Development Platform

Expand the possibilities and automate the work with apps. Expand LUUCY with your ideas/functionalities and place your app in our marketplace for other users.

Apps (Plugins)

Develop new functions and extend LUUCY with additional controls. Apps are programmes or applications created by users and providers that extend the functionality of LUUCY. They allow users to extend functionality or create more efficient workflows. You can find more information and app examples in our documentation or on our GitHub.


Use our REST APIs to integrate LUUCY into your external tools and products. Once you have been granted access, you can use the LUUCY API. You can then access the elements and all associated properties. Besides accessing workspaces and projects, you can also GET and POST content to layers, slides and 3D objects. Just contact us if you are interested and we can support you.